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The Body Mechanics Logo is a registered trademark of Mark R. Hailey. Body Mechanics is published by Visionary Magic Design, Inc.

Mark R. Hailey's collection of magazine and blog articles comes together in his new ebook entitled Fitness Mosaics.
Mark takes a unique, entertaining, and informative approach to a number of health and fitness topics. You get a better understanding of metabolism when he compares the inner workings of the human body to the inner workings of a car. You discover your inner Cro-Magnon by understanding, through evolution, that you are genetically programmed to succeed in fitness. While on a trip to visit a friend in Riga, Latvia, he writes about Eastern European fitness habits and how they "practice what we preach". He talks about stumbling into the world of Yoga, and writes a "for men only" article on how they too can reap the benefits of Yoga … all while keeping their male egos intact.
These, and other, articles give you a better perspective on fitness and help empower you to make the changes you desire. Like the title indicates, Fitness Mosaics is a compilation of articles that creates an overall fitness picture.
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Visionary Magic Design, Inc . © 2022
Mark's Bio
Mark R. Hailey
Mark R. Hailey was born in Richmond, Virginia in March of 1960.
Mark graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1984 with a major in Communication Arts & Design and a major in Film and Television Production.
A 3 time Emmy award nominated Designer and Producer, Mark was able to combine his life long love of health and fitness, which includes being an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, with his skills in writing and design. All these came together to form of his first book Body Mechanics: Complete Fitness Journal & Guide.
Taking the name Body Mechanics from a defunct gym that was popular in Richmond in the 1970s and 80s, Mark payed homage to his Virginia roots.
The project rolled off the press on January 25, 2001, and has been applauded by the fitness industry for its workout chart design and unique perspective on health and fitness.
Mark began writing in college at the urging of his English professors, and continued to hone his skills through his work as a television producer and art director. Mark’s mother, Marlyn Hailey, a high school teacher with her masters degree in reading and english, was a constant source of knowledge, inspiration and information as he developed his writing skills.
As an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, and ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Mark has kept his certification current through courses in Strength Training, Diet & Exercise, Practical Nutrition, Metabolism, and Sports Nutrition. These studies have allowed him to expand his knowledge base when writing about health and fitness.
Mark R. Hailey has published several books and articles on health and fitness and has consulted for Fitness Magazine and USA Today.
Mark’s latest book, Fitness Mosaics, is a collection of his magazine and blog articles.

Visionary Magic Design, Inc . © 2022

Visionary Magic Design, Inc.
PO Box 4691
Annapolis, Maryland 21403